Health & Safety Policy
Oxford Catalyst is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our staff, students and visitors, by providing a safe environment to work, live and learn for all those attending our premises and courses.
This policy is authorised for use throughout Oxford Catalyst’s workplaces and courses. It is based on the requirements laid down in the Health and Safety at work Act 1974 (HAS), including the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999; the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Act 2002 (COSHH); the Children Act 2004. It will reflect, by amendment, such health and safety policy changes which may from time to time be required.
Prime responsibility for maintaining and updating this policy lies with Oxford Catalyst’s Director Alex Elliott, and day-to-day responsibility for its implementation during the courses lies with Course Director Tom Ziessen. However, all Oxford Catalyst employees and course staff have some degree of responsibility for the health and safety of themselves and others, including the requirement to contribute to the accuracy, effectiveness and utility of this policy.
Oxford Catalyst will liaise with the health and safety officer of Lady Margaret Hall to ensure compliance with their health and safety policy and current legislation.
Oxford Catalyst believes that the adoption of safe methods of work and good practice by every individual can ensure everyone’s health and safety, and will take all reasonably practicable steps to identify and reduce hazards to a minimum, paying particular attention to:​
the provision and maintenance of the workplace and systems of work that are, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe and without risk to health and inspected/certified in line with legislation;
ensuring that, as far as is reasonably practicable, there are no risks to health and safety in the acquisition, use, handling, storage, transport and disposal of articles, substances, materials and equipment;
the provision of information, instruction, training and supervision which, as far as is reasonably practicable, will enable all staff to perform their duties in a healthy and safe manner, to avoid accidents, and to contribute to their own health, safety and welfare;
the maintenance of all places of work under the control of Oxford Catalyst in a condition that is safe and without risk to health, as far as is reasonably practicable, including safe access and egress;
the provision and maintenance of working environments which are, as far as is reasonably practicable, safe and which have adequate facilities and arrangements for employees’, residents’ and students’ welfare;
adherence to the highest standards in Health and Safety in catering and cleaning
​Oxford Catalyst will take all reasonably practicable steps to fulfil its responsibilities and will pay particular attention to meeting the requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all relevant statutory provisions, including consulting staff on matters of health, safety and welfare.
Oxford Catalyst requires all its staff to pursue its objectives in respect of health, safety and welfare, and to carry out their duties in a manner that is safe and without risk to health, as far as is reasonably practicable. Furthermore, all staff are responsible for reporting any significant risks or issues to the Director. These reports should be confirmed in writing.
All members of the teaching staff have a statutory responsibility under the Health and Safety at Work Act to take reasonable care for the health and safety of themselves, their students and other personnel who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work. Teachers should act ‘in loco parentis’, considering any hazards that can be reasonably anticipated and any safety factors that need to be considered, taking into account the abilities of the students.
Oxford Catalyst’s Director is responsible for the implementation of this policy statement and keeping it under review; ensuring any necessary safety inspections are carried out; ensuring that legal requirements are met, for example notifying any accidents reportable under RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013); and ensuring that any necessary health and safety risk assessments are undertaken regularly, and any recommendations are recorded and implemented.
Health and Safety law requires the employer to assess the risks to health and safety. This does not mean that a separate written risk assessment is required for every activity as long as Oxford Catalyst has undertaken a common sense and proportionate approach. Where a risk assessment is carried out however, a written record must be kept of the significant findings of the assessment, and the assessment must be reviewed at least annually. The Course Director will provide guidance on risk assessment and the adoption of suitable control measures that minimize the risk of harm.
A copy of this policy will be issued to all employees on their taking up employment with Oxford Catalyst, and the policy will also be available on the Oxford Catalyst website. The policy, which will be reviewed and updated when necessary (at least annually), should be read in conjunction with Oxford Catalyst’s other policies, procedures and codes of practice relevant to health and safety.
Oxford Catalyst, September 2019